Proclaiming the Good News

Matthew 18:14 says, " Even so it is not the will of your father which is in heaven, that one of these little one should perish."

There is a story, that goes out like this...

Once, there was a man who along with his son, used to go out and distribute tracts after every Sunday service. On one of those days, it was heavily raining and the father was a bit hesitant to go out. However, the son asked the father, "Papa, aren't people still in the wrong tracks out there, although it's raining?". The son was eager to go on that day as well, and he went out with his usual distribution of tracts. The son went out and distributed all the tracts, except for one. 

The boy was completely drenched in the rain, but still, he knocked on the door of the house where he took shelter. After knocking on the door thrice, there came an old lady on the door who looked quite grieved and irritated. 

The next Sunday, while in the service, there stood up the same old lady to testify. The old lady, in her testimony said, it is only because of the little boy sitting in the front, that she is still alive. She said, "I was lonely after my husband's death. I was on the verge of giving up on my life and planned to commit suicide.  And the same hour, I decided to commit it, this little boy came at my door and gave me a tract. I read it and there was this peace in my heart and soul. Had it been, the boy did not come the other day at the nick of a time, my life would not have been spared from the eternal fire. I would have perished". She started sobbing vehemently and the whole Church praised God. 

Just like the little boy in the story, proclaiming the good news is the responsibility of each and every born again Christian. The present generation is too busy in going after the lusts and works of the flesh. If we take a look around, innumerable youngsters can be seen indulging in the pleasures of vanity - drugs, drinks and other ungodly matters -  and thus, are in the clutches of the devil. 

The riches of God's grace have enlightened us with the love of Christ and created in us a new being. Shouldn't each breath of our life be thankful enough, for having Jesus as our saviour?! However, in the rat race we have become selfish beings, and forget to think of our peers, people around us... Have we ever thought about a soul that can be saved, without them being perished in the eternal fire? How can we turn them back from the power of darkness? 

First thing that crosses my mind, is through prayers. We should pray for the lost souls, without ceasing. Apart from praying, our lives should reflect the CHRIST-LIKE character and should be successful in leading a separated life. When I say seperate, does not necessarily mean to isolate oneself from the world, but, to maintain a sanctity in every sphere of our lives and abide by the word of God. Some might mock and the some would be curious. Forgive those who mock, and reach out to those who are curious. Lead them to the knowledge of truth, i.e., JESUS. 

Schools, colleges, workplaces, neighbourhood...can be seen as places to testify our saviour- our living God. Spread the light, burning in us, which will eventually give everyone their joy and a purpose of life. The gospel of Luke (15:7) says, "Likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth". On our shoulders, lies the responsibility of spreading gospel to people that cross our paths. 

In Mark 16:15, Jesus says, " Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature". Every nook and corner of the world must know the good news of the sacrifice on the cross by the begotten most loved son  for the incalculable sins of me and you. This day, let's make up our mind with one of the aim in our lives being, to help the people around us to know about the Saviour. We are a chosen generation, and have been saved and brought out of the darkness into this marvellous light, for a definite purpose. 

There are millions and trillions of people out there, who cannot discern between their right hand and left hand, perishing in this world. Reach out to them and convey how much God loves them. Whatever the situation we find ourselves in, no matter how bleak and dark the future may seem, there is a fact that cannot be erased.


- PeeJay


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