God's Amazing Care

If you have ever observed an egg closely, you will note that it has one small and a large ending. The shell is thicker on the smaller end than that on the larger end. In case if you have been fortunate enough to see a egg hatch, you will notice that the baby chick emerges from the shell through the larger end.

God has designed and arranged the shell in such a manner that the baby can easily peck its way through at the the point where the shell is thin. The shell is engineered such that there exists an air chamber at the larger end of the shell. This can be observed when the shell is removed from the hard boiled egg. When the baby chick is formed in the egg, it is so placed that its head is in the big end of the egg and its bill is in the air chamber. 

No matter how the mother hen may turn the egg during the three weeks of the hatching period, the position of the chick within the shell does not change. The baby will always be formed with its nose in the air chamber at the large end. In that large chamber is just enough air to last two days. As the chick begins to breathe and the hours go by, there comes  time when the last breath of air is taken. As the little chick lunges forward to get another breath of air that does no longer exists in the chamber, the impact forces a hole through the shell. The chick has swelled up enough by this time inside the shell, that a crack has already formed on the surface. Eventually in a very short span of time, crack develops so that the chick can easily come out. 

The hatching of an egg is a perfect example of how God knows our frame and remembers us! The hatching of egg is designed and well planned by the creator. In the same way, we have been thought of and our life planned by God, even before you and me were born in our mother's womb. He gives us nothing more that we cannot endure. He will not let us suffocate inside a shell rather, will make a way to exit out of the hard shell. 

How hard the circumstances may seem to us, but there is an air chamber which will let us breath, and once it exhausts, God develops a cracks so that we can make our way out. 



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