An Ode to my Twisty Thrilling Twenties

Three decades... It is a fleeting feeling and here is a glimpse of my twenties.

Graduated from the top college in India,

Broke my heart for love,

Betrayed in friendship,

Encountered God's grace in fresh ways,

Sister got married and didn't have to fight for my couch side anymore ;),

Experienced hostel living,

Broke rules,

Formed friendships for life,

Nathan - my nephew or maasi's baby as I fondly call him came into our lives,

Graduated with a Masters in Physics,

Stepped into the corporate professional world,

Worked through office politics,

Cultivated deeper trust in God,

Lived with Papa in Delhi post his retirement days,

Took the risk of saying yes to a man for marriage who lived across the globe, leaning onto God's promises,

Embraced patience through times of waiting,

Learnt to give thanks in all circumstances,

Moved my entire life in Delhi and immigrated to Canada,

Got married to the man who is now the love of my life,

Also, got married sans my friends and many loved ones,

Enrolled in for a program at a college in Canada,

Decided to change my career path,

Worked for the Government,

Part of a world hit by pandemic,

Got sick with Covid, together with husband,

Witnessed God's healing,

Grieved the passing of loved ones,

Anchored life onto the hope that comes from Christ,

Fortunate to have went on a missions trip,

Started my Canadian full time job,

Graduated from Business Technology Management program,

Distance made the heart grow fonder and missed mumy papa everyday,

Went for a birthday date followed by a walk by the river and ending with a Cafe Mocha.

"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows"

- PeeJay


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