The Word Fast

Is it hard for you to today envision changing your habitual judgments that you throw on somebody you met for the first time? 

A book that I read, "Blink" written by Malcolm Gladwell beautifully describes how we tend to size up the nature of a person or for that matter form an impression inside our mind, the first time we see them. I have always had this perception that we need to spend time with people to know them closely and understand their true nature. Even then, we sometimes go wrong in bringing out the best or true colors of them. 

Getting rid of being judgmental and opinionated is crucial in order to eliminate 'the pointing of finger at anybody (when we are actually NOBODY) or a malicious talk'. We can actually taint someone's character with our words and character assassination is never recommended in any sphere of our lives. If we sit and introspect, we would realize the sheer amount of time that we wasted on badmouthing someone. Remember TIME and tide waits for none. We have got to get along well with both of these to make the most of it. Am sure surfers have a good idea about the same (Tide waits for none). :)

An article that I read recently talks of a very innovative method - "The Word Fast". It talks about how we can fast from words of bad judgement, criticism, sarcasm, negativity, complaining, grieving, gossip etc. Find this silly/complex? Its not a very easy method but not a rocket Science either. Limit yourself from making fun of someone,gossiping about your colleagues, spreading negativity. If you find this easy, God bless the souls; if this sounds difficult to you, remember the word of the Lord which says, "For my power is made perfect in weakness". As difficult it may be, change is possible because we have an intercessor in the heaven. 

Let's face the truth. We cannot change the pattern of our words that we are so habituated to by the arms of flesh. Bridling our unruly tongue (sharp edged sword that can cut through the hearts) might seems the greatest of all challenges. But, trust me when we bring it under the control of the holy spirit, things are much easier. For the holy spirit is given to us by the father for such purposes - to cast away the wickedness and bring out the goodness of our life. 

Ask yourself, "Where do in I need to correct myself with my words?" Get on a word fast today and drop in message on how it changed your life in the comments section. Encourage your friends as well to sit on a word fast with you. 

Happy Word Fasting. 

Be a Light that shine unto the world.



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