The Lost Opportunity

It was 8:00 pm, September 19, 2016 and my friend suddenly texted, "Are you coming? Iam leaving now". Looking at the message, my vision got suddenly blurred and realized how much I hate surprises. The text was in context to the convocation of the 2015 graduated batch of Allahabad Agricultural Institute, to be held the very next morning. 

Halfheartedly, I had decided that I would not be attending the event because of certain reasons which stopped me then. But, somewhere deep inside the heart (the other half), wanted to go and relive the memories of 2 years. I had made an extended family for myself in that two years of my stay in Allahabad. Also, I realized not everyone we come across will take us for granted but, the genuineness still exists. The handful bunch of people I had come across there, are one gems (not exaggerating for the blog :P). So, go get the degree was secondary and spending time and having a gala with these gems was primary. But, things don't come out sometimes (most of the times in my case ;)) the way you want it to be. 

And, one of the other reasons of dropping the plan was because none of my buddies from Delhi planned to go. But... see how the crazy ones plans to pop up the surprise, asking you to come along before an hour of boarding the train. Wanting to kick him off, I texted back that its too late now to pack up my bags and reach the station on time. I just missed a Lifetime Opportunity, not because of my friend, rather the blame is on me, the indecisiveness that caught hold of me. 

Often, it happens that we lose the opportunities because we are incapable of taking a decision. The discernment of what to prioritize, or how to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong is not inherent in us. Thus, we tend to lose out on something we think are important to us. A theory of regret intensity quotes, "What we regret most are the lost opportunities!"It is proposed that, the feelings of regret are elicited by moments or perceptions of lost opportunity. So, let us not lose an opportunity but think wisely and utilize this beautiful life filled with lovely people (Yes!! they exists) to the best of everything. 

Ending on an optimistic note I will say that, a lost opportunity is not the last opportunity. Keeping up hopes high, I believe what if I could not make it up to the convo... Another get together awaits all of us. 




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